Due to the continued growth of Holbeach United Community Sports Academy, players are required for the 2018-2019 season.
Current Under 12 teams increase from 9 a side to 11 a side – If you are currently in School Year 7 and fancy a new club please get in touch.
Current Under 10 teams increase from 7 a side to 9 a side – if you are currently in year 5 please do not hesitate in making contact.
Current Under 8 teams increase from 5 a side to 7 a side – if you are currently in year 3 please do not hesitate in getting in touch.
Holbeach United Community Sports Academy are a fully inclusive club and like players of all ability. We value and encourage all our young tigers to be respectful both on & off the pitch, promote fair play and above all encourage enjoyment in their football.
If you fancy becoming a Young Tiger please do not hesitate in making contact either by email or via phone on 07403 999 721